CONAPAM and Costa Rica’s Older Adults

The National Council of the Elderly (CONAPAM, according to its initials in Spanish) (Spanish) is Costa Rica’s governing body on aging and older adults. As such, CONAPAM formulates national policies and plans and promotes, executes, evaluates, and coordinates the development of programs, projects, and services implemented by public and private organizations aimed at older adults. CONAPAM’s goal is to guarantee the improvement of the quality of life of older adults in Costa Rica, from a civil rights perspective and with perspectives from older men and women and an intergenerational solidarity. CONAPAM provides information on the progressive care network for the integral care of older adults (Spanish) and resources so that older adults and their families have the information they need in relation to aging at home or moving to a center. CONAPAM also provides publications related to legislation and national and international articles related to aging. Finally, CONAPAM also provides an informational center (Spanish) that shares events, news, and campaigns related to aging and the older adult community in Costa Rica. If you are an older adult or if you have a relative that is an older adult in Costa Rica and would like more information, please contact CONAPAM (Spanish).

About mpgarcia

I'm the Bilingual Information/Media Specialist at NARIC.
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