APEF: Helping People with Schizophrenia and Their Families in Argentina

The Argentine Association to Help People with Schizophrenia and Their Family (APEF, acronym in Spanish) (in Spanish) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that was established in 1994, in Buenos Aires, Argentina and is made up of relatives and other supporters of people with schizophrenia. APEF staff help people with schizophrenia and their family group, providing practical support that is specific to their situation, through talks and meetings (in Spanish) with other families in similar situations. This includes psychoeducation groups for all relatives and informative meetings with specialists (in Spanish), such as psychologists, doctors, and lawyers. APEF increases understanding and solidarity with the person with schizophrenia throughout the community and reduces fear, anxiety, and discrimination faced by those with schizophrenia. APEF’s social awareness campaigns and workshops raise awareness about schizophrenia and how the community can collaborate with people with schizophrenia and their families. The association also advocates for the rights of people with mental illness. APEF promotes the research of schizophrenia through congresses, conferences, and scientific publications, and offers other consumer-focused publications related to schizophrenia, community inclusion, and more. The association also provides an information line where people with schizophrenia and their families can call for information and resources.

About mpgarcia

I'm the Bilingual Information/Media Specialist at NARIC.
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