Celebrating Disability and LGBTQ+ Pride

This week overlaps two Pride celebrations: the end of June and Pride Month, widely recognized to celebrate and affirm the rights of people who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or other gender or sexual minorities (abbreviated LGBTQIA+); and the beginning of July and Disability Pride Month, which includes the anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Many people who identify as members of the LGBTQIA+ community are also people with disabilities. They may experience barriers to participation similar to their peers who identify as straight or cisgender (the same gender they were assigned at birth). They may also have experiences similar to people in the LGBTQIA+ community who do not have disabilities.

Recent research has begun to explore how those experiences may be similar to or differ from each other. One recent NIDILRR-funded Fellowship study explored the experiences of LGBTQIA+ adults on the autism spectrum. Our Research In Focus series highlighted recent NIDILRR-funded studies of the unmet healthcare needs of transgender people with disabilities and LGBTQIA+ people on the autism spectrum, using data from the National Survey on Health and Disability. Diving into our collection, we found 25 abstracts of publications from NIDILRR-funded projects which discuss people with disabilities who identify as LGBTQIA+. More than 200 abstracts in total mention LGBTQIA+ people or issues.

While the research is emerging, the community is creating resources to support people who live at the intersection of disability and gender or sexual identity. These include resources to support mental health, create inclusive disability programs that welcome LGBTQIA+ individuals, and creating LGBTQIA+ events that are inclusive of people with disabilities:

Elsewhere in the community:

As June winds down and July gets underway, we hope you and your community enjoy safe, welcoming celebrations!

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2 Responses to Celebrating Disability and LGBTQ+ Pride

  1. Pingback: Answered Questions for June 2023: How Can LGBTQ+ Organizations Be More Inclusive and Accessible for Members of the LGBTQ+ Community with Disabilities? | Collection Spotlight from the National Rehabilitation Information Center

  2. Pingback: Preguntas y Respuestas para Junio de 2023: ¿Cómo Pueden las Organizaciones LGBTQ+ Ser Más Inclusivas y Accesibles para los Miembros de la Comunidad LGBTQ+ con Discapacidades? | Collection Spotlight from the National Rehabilitation Information Center

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