The IDEAL Foundation: Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services and Inclusion of People with Disabilities and Neurological Disorders in Colombia

The IDEAL Foundation for Comprehensive Rehabilitation (in Spanish) is a non-profit organization founded in April 1965 in Colombia by the Rotary Club of Cali, Colombia. The IDEAL Foundation is a center of excellence in neurodevelopment, a health service provider institution, a protection institution, and a teaching assistance center; and offers health, comprehensive rehabilitation, education, and protection services for people with disabilities or neurological disorders and their families through its strategic services and related programs. As a center of excellence, the Foundation contributes to the self-determination, independent living, and inclusion of people with disabilities (in Spanish) and to the development of an inclusive society. The IDEAL Foundation provides several programs for people with disabilities that include abilities and rehabilitation programs, educational programs, and a research and innovation program. The abilities and rehabilitation program includes a specialized rehabilitation program (in Spanish) for children with neurodevelopmental disorders and disabilities, a specialized neurorehabilitation program (in Spanish) for children and adults with neurological disabilities or disorders, a vocational and occupational rehabilitation program (in Spanish) for youth and adults with disabilities, and a specialized learning program for children and teens with learning disabilities, among other programs. The educational programs include the IDEAL-CEI Educational Center (in Spanish), the Education for Work and Productivity Program (in Spanish), and the Promotion and Prevention Program (in Spanish). The Foundation’s Research and Innovation Program (in Spanish) includes various research and development activities on disability, education, employment, and related topics; and includes a growing list of research and evidence-based publications (in Spanish). The IDEAL Foundation offers a variety of courses and webinars (in Spanish) that discuss topics such as telerehabilitation, aquatic therapy, and neurodevelopment and visual function, among other topics. The Foundation’s social projects (in Spanish) investigate family-related modalities, implementing telemedicine and telerehabilitation units by service providers, and the provision of educational services to vulnerable populations, among others. Finally, the IDEAL Foundation provides a virtual campus platform where people with disabilities, families, service providers, researchers and other stakeholders may log in and learn about topics of interest related to disabilities, neurological disorders, rehabilitation, telemedicine, and inclusion at their own pace.

About mpgarcia

I'm the Bilingual Information/Media Specialist at NARIC.
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