Research In Focus for Burn Awareness Week

This week is Burn Awareness Week, organized by the American Burn Association to bring attention to burn and fire prevention and to advocate for burn injury survivors and their families. Burns injuries are damage to the body caused by exposure to heat, electricity, or chemicals. They are described as 1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree burns based on how deep the injury goes. People may know that burn injuries can include scarring and itching, but they may not know that burn injuries can lead to muscle contracture, mobility limitations, and even limb loss. Burn survivors may also experience pain and fatigue as they recover and experience long lasting effects. The NIDILRR-funded Burn Injury Model System Centers has looked at the long-term impacts of burn injury and how burn injuries may be considered a chronic condition.

Our Research In Focus series has explored some of the NIDILRR-funded research on the physical and cognitive impacts of burn injuries, the challenges burn injury survivors can face in employment and community living, and interventions that may help them get back to full participation. 

If you are interested in more lay-language summaries of research from the Burn Injury Model Systems, visit the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center for their collection of Quick Reviews of Research and their research-based information resources for burn injury survivors, their families, and the care teams who support their recovery and independence.

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